Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tagged-7 Things you never knew about me

I was reading my friend, Jennifer's blog and realized that she had tagged me to do this, so here it goes...
7 things you never knew about me...
1. I am afraid of the dark. I hope Stella doesn't pick up on this or take after me. It is paralyzing. When Josh is out of town, I have to sleep with the bathroom light on.
2. I just started eating something so sickeningly sweet(and probably will hate the minute this baby is born)-nutella and peanut butter on toast
3. I often catch myself humming songs from Baby Signing Time-and Stella hasn't even listened to it in months
4. I long for the days when Stella (and her baby sister) will sleep until noon on a Saturday...and when we can go out and leave them at home alone. When is that age, by the way?
5. In another life, I would love to be a chef...if I were a better cook. Or maybe I just love Top Chef.
6. I love doing laundry. It's the only house cleaning chore that I like to do.
7. I wanted to have twins when I was pregnant with Stella so I wouldn't have to get pregnant again....Nikki B. (Ellie's mom) consider yourself tagged!

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