Thursday, January 13, 2011


tearful "cheese"-not a fan of the cold weather

These kids....they will melt your heart one minute and drive you to your wit's end the next.

Sophia is growing and changing by the minute. She is starting to say a lot more, but you just can't always decipher what she is trying to say. She says something that sounds a lot like "butt," but she is always pointing when she says it and it is never at a "bottom." We don't say "butt." "Huh" followed by another word is "I want." (ie: "Huh cookie" or "Huh wa-wa." ) She will point to her nose or mouth and say nonsense words, but she can say "cupcake" as plain as day! I guess that's how she keeps her figure-she knows the important words and what more do you need? She loves riding her rocking horse and yelling "Hee ha!" I love rocking her at night because she likes to "sing along" to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. (and by sing along, I mean yell nonsense babblings into my ear to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle") On Sunday, she was convinced that Alec Baldwin on "Prelude to a Kiss" was "Daddy" and was terribly upset that he wasn't responding to her when she talked to him on the screen. I can sort of see the resemblance in young Alec. She loves the camera and anytime it is out, she yells "Cheese!" On Monday, she was crying because she didn't like the snow and I took out the camera and she tearfully said "cheese."

Dancing the night away on NYE

Stella, Stella, Stella....where do I begin? We are learning so much from her. We are definitely learning what not to say around her. Her new favorite things to say are "Get it?" or "Whatever." I was appalled by her smart aleck attitude until I heard them both come out of my mouth in the following week. Oops. Now we are trying to explain that you can say those words-it just depends on the tone. She points out when anyone says it and says "That's bad." even if someone says "Whatever you want to do" or "You need to get it." "Mom! They said "whatever!" Ugh.
She is also becoming more verbal in her daily observations. "Mom, he's missing a tooth." "I know, sweetie. Shhh." "But Mom-what happened to his tooth?" (about 3 feet away from said "he")
She told me recently that she wants to be a Spanish teacher. Then, I heard her teaching her animals in "Spanish." "Glide" is Spanish for "fly." And she will try to quiet Sophia by saying something in Spanish. "Sophia, la lechuza. Bas, bas, bas." I wish I could remember some of the other words that she uses and corrects me if I repeat them incorrectly.
She is really into horses right now. She got four stick horses, a Cowboy hat, and boots for Christmas. We need to build a stable! She reeeeally wants a horse. A magical, flying one would be nice. She has a horse named "Princess of the Fairies" (she named it) and wanted me to horse sit for her. She said "She likes to eat macaroni and cheese for a snack and she loves to play games on your 'scream.'" ("scream" is my ipad-she means "screen") "Oh, ok. Where are you going?" "I need to go to New York. I'll be back tomorrow." She walks back into the room, holding a baby doll. "How did she do?" "She was great! How was your trip?" "Well, I went to the dentist, and a baby popped out of my tummy!" "You went to the dentist and had a baby?" "Mom," whispering, "We're pretending." "Oh."

Snow Days

This sums it up. We were so excited the first day! Then, after the top layer of ice formed on the beautiful, powdery snow, it all went downhill. (pardon the pun) The roads are icy, so we can't leave the house, the streets are too slippery for little rubber boots to traverse, games have been played, pictures have been drawn, television shows have been we eat. We eat rice crispy treats, brownies, potato soup, shrimp tacos, homemade apple pie, and chocolate chip cookies. We eat like there is no tomorrow and we will never escape this winter prison. But as I type, the melting snow is dripping from the drain pipes, so maybe we will be free tomorrow? I certainly hope so! Or I am going to have to find some elastic-waistbanded pants.

This is when they loved each other....before the snow fell and they had to spend 4 uninterrupted days together. ;-)

Kids sledding on the street
Snow pizza
All smiles!

Attempted snow angel-the ice layer was too thick!

Sledding southern stye-on a trash can lid
Down our driveway!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas 2010

Waiting to open presents before the Texas trip
Stella didn't want a bike (good thing we only paid $15 for it)
But Daddy likes it!
Sophia loves her trike!
Visiting with Uncle Tim in Buna
Cousins Taylor and Tori
Aunt Tonya
Attempt at family photo
Aunt Carrie adn Sophia
Looking at the log cabins in Montgomery, Texas
Cousins Grant and Hunter, Papa and Daddy playing cards
Sophia's balancing act
The back of our car (notice the case of Dos Equis in the lower right corner)
The only thing (besides a purple unicorn pillow pet) that Stella wanted for Christmas was a snow globe
Santa at Lenox Mall-Stella told me, while in line, that this was not the real Santa. The real Santa had come to her school earlier that day, so she wasn't taking this guy very seriously. The guy that was at school had a rented costume and looked very much like Billy Bob Thornton from the movie "Bad Santa," but she was sure that he was real because he had a "real beard." Now take a look at the fake below....
Sophia's favorite thing to do was push all of the musical ornaments and dance
The dust buster has been a big hit-Stella is a cleaning machine! Not sure what Sophia is doing in this picture...

Our trip to Texas was not without troubles, but we had a great time despite the hiccups in the road. And by hiccups, I mean violent stomach viruses and strep throat. I had always heard of friends telling stories about vomiting babies on a road trip, but never knew the reality of it until December 18th, 2010. It is a day that will live in infamy. Sophia puked on every square inch of fabric in Josh's car...pajamas, outfits, stuffed animals, blankets, my shirt, my jeans, the floorboard, the cooler, etc. She didn't discriminate. Then, it was Josh's turn when we arrived in Texas. Thankfully, my parents rescued Stella from the madness and she didn't get it. I managed to escape the bugs, too. I guess I had done my time being sick for most of October and November. We had a wonderful time visiting with everyone and hope you can forgive us for spreading our germs! We'll visit again in the summer when we are less....vomit-y.