Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Doctor's visit

Height-34 inches (95th percentile)
Weight-25 pounds (25-50th percentile)
Doing very well-doctor confirmed that she is, in fact, a genius. I'm serious. I am sure Stella is the only one he has ever said that about. In actuality, she was mute throughout the visit and I am telling the doctor how verbal she is as she stares at him without uttering a sound. He tickles her, he checks her heartrate, shines lights in her eyes and ears...not a word. Then, we are leaving the office after shots and screams and a helicopter is flying overhead. She points her chubby little finger into the sky and yells "harpane!" (airplane, for those of you that don't speak toddler) OK, so it was a helicopter and not an airplane but honestly! It is in the same category and I don't even recall teaching her that word! I continue to be amazed on a daily basis with this kid.

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