Backyard picnic
Shrek the Musical with Beckett
Last soccer game
This is serious
This is the face Sophia makes when Stella asks her for a goldfish
Soccer star-o.k., maybe one day
Mother's Day breakfast feast!
Decatur Arts Festival with the Chornyaks-this was Sophia's first ice cream sandwich
Stella and the Chornyaks

attempt at family photo
That girl's got hair
Stella and her hero, Coach George
We took a much needed vacation to Playa del Carmen and this is one of about 5 pictures I took. That's what happens when you go to a resort and sit on your bum all week! Too lazy to take pictures!
Josh and his pina colada

Our new, fabulous, spectacular, wonderful swingset! The girls love it and their mommy loves it even more!
piggy tails-that lasted about 5 minutes
Three Little Pigs ballet recital

Easter dresses courtesy of Mimi Sandy-thank you!
Easter egg hunt at church
Sophia was more interested in swinging
What we're into lately:
- Stella is really into "Swamp People" on the History Channel after the last grandparent visit-thank you, Grandma Polly and Papa John! :-)
- Sophia is into throwing hyperventilating-kicking-screaming-glazed-look-in-the-eye-crazy tantrums. Not cool. But when it's over she asks for a kiss or a hug. Are we in an abusive relationship with our 2 year old?
- Cousin Tori came out with my parents and taught the girls lots of tricks on the swing set-thank you, Tori! You rock!
- Sophia still loves taking care of babies and names them all Diego (or "Daigo", but she is not making ethnic slurs)
- Stella is becoming very, very helpful and I think has finally grown out of the terrible 2's (at 4 1/2). This is good because we are just beginning with Sybil-I mean, Sophia.
- Sophia is a wild card. She might be deathly afraid of the baby pool sprinkler, but she won't hesitate to go down the 10 foot water slide at the neighborhood pool.
- Stella has imaginary pets and friends that she won't claim. She talks to them all the time, but won't own up to it when we ask who she is talking to.
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