Papa John and "Ethel Ruby"-my cousins think she looks like a little old lady. I think this means she looks very wise.
Eating sand and giving her "What are you gonna do about it?" face
And more silliness
Hanging out with Papa John
Grandma Polly & Papa John
Mom & Dad's back yard
Checking out the chickens
Stella's drawing of me-I think I look very thin
Catch o' the day!
Gigi and my Great Aunt Francis
Ice cream!
Miss Tori striking a pose
Stella & Bradley enjoying their programs
Niece Taylor DRIVING!
Oh my what a summer we had! Two trips to Texas, a trip to Mexico (kids excluded), kitchen remodel (still going-yes, still going), Nebraska trip, and back to work for me! It was great fun, but I am ready to get back into the school year and a semi-normal routine.
Sophia is really growing up fast-she loves making faces and laughing. She isn't saying much-mommy, daddy, cheese (when you get out a camera, not for actual cheese), ball, book, water...she won't say "dog", but points and says "woo woo woo!" in her deepest voice. Strange kid. I already caught her trying to chew the rubber stoppers off of our BRAND NEW CABINETS. Didn't think we would need a child lock for that reason. I can't tell you how many times a day I hear Stella saying "MOM! Sophia has something in her mouth!" Her obsession with the toilet still remains in full effect-but now she likes throwing things into the toilet rather than just splashing.
Stella loves telling knock knock jokes. Here are some of her favorites:
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Banana in the bathtub, too!
(then she bursts into a giggling fit and wonders why you don't get it)
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Table who?
Table in the living room! HA!
Then we taught her some classics....
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Boo who?
You don't have to cry about it!
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
She likes the new ones, but inevitably reverts back to her favorites that make no sense at all. She is also developing quite a sophisticated vocabulary-"Would you care for some cookies" and "Mom, I'd like a word with Papa John." And at other times, she is sounding like a total teenager already. I guess I am saying that it is going by way too fast. All of it. Part of me is so ready for them to be past the baby phase and the other part of me is trying to hold on to this phase forever. Sigh. Oh well, at least the pre-teen years will be a lot of fun, right? Oh yeah. I remember those. Never mind.
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