Using the rug as a pillow. Gross.
We made a tent out of the jumparoo-might as well get some use out of it while we wait for our Craigslist friends to respond!
Sophia loves to stuff every morsel of food on her tray into her mouth. She then cries until you go over and dig it out.
She thought it was pretty funny when I got the camera out.
This is the look we get when we tell her "no." Good grief. How are we going to deal with this child? And she gets told "no" A LOT because she is a human tornado. She is into everything and can destroy a room in seconds.
Stella has taken over Sophia's barn. She plays with this thing all the time!
Sophia in action-she has discovered the desk drawers.
Stella and Sophia are developing the cutest relationship. The other day, they were playing the "She touched me!" "Waaaa!!!" "Mom! She pulled my hair!" game in the back seat and Josh turned around and said "Sophia-we do not pull hair! Stop it!" Sophia immediately lost it and started crying. Stella leaned over and said "It's OK, Sophia. I'm here. I'm sorry daddy yelled at you." Today, it has been more of the same. One minute they are the best of friends and the next I hear Sophia crying and Stella saying "Shhhhhh! You're o.k. I'm sorry!" At least Stella is pretty honest about it. "What happened?" "I hit her in the head." "Oh. Well, say you're sorry and go to time out." "OK, Mom."
And why don't empty threats work? Last night, I said "Stella, pick up your toys so I can mop." "No thanks." "OK-either pick up your toys or I am going to throw them away." "I want you to throw them away, Mom." Hmmm.....
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