Picnic outside on a pretty day
Sophia was trying to catch bubbles
Yeah, that's right-I'm chewin' on a a stick.
Stella jammin' on the xylophone at school during her St. Patty's Day party
Sophia just hangin' around with Daddy
The girls hangin' out with "other Stella"-the only other Stella we know!
"Other Stella" and her baby sister Harper came to play with us last week
Regarding the post title-"Watch This!" Stella's latest thing is yelling "watch this!" and doing things like this-not much, but she wants you to look and be amazed.
This is another one

And another
She is also really into "Roll Ball." What is roll ball, you may ask? Well, it's very complicated. You sit on the floor and roll the basketball back and forth. Oh, but there is more. There are many tricks involved-rolling the ball up your legs and catching it, lying on your stomach and catching it with your face, fist bumping it back to your opponent, bumping it with your bottom, etc. We are champs at Roll Ball around here. And every time you do a new trick, you have to yell-you guessed it-"Watch this!"
This game is welcomed since the other games she likes to play involve running "super fast," jumping off of the couch on to the coffee table, seeing how many items you can carry, dragging Sophia around by the back of her pants...and usually hurting herself in the process. She has her mom's grace, unfortunately. She falls and runs into things constantly! Poor thing-hopefully she will outgrow it or maybe Roll Ball will become a real sport and we won't have to worry about it.
She is definitely not shy. A couple of weeks ago, we were at the Babies of 2009 Celebration at our church. They had a short message in the sanctuary, a group picture, and refreshments in the parlor. I was chatting with a fellow mom, Josh was feeding Sophia a snack, and I turned around to find Stella pushing her head between an elderly women's legs! I looked at Josh in horror and ran over to her-"Stella!" The elderly woman was flustered at first, then spread her legs apart and let her pass through. She happened to be talking to our pastor, who made a joke about it and she began to laugh. I tried to explain to her that we do this at home and call it "the car wash." We even did this with Maybelline. One of those "It's o.k. at home, but not in public" tricks. That girl....
As for Sophia, even though it seems like she has had a cold every other week paired with an ear infection for the entire winter.....she is amazing. She is the happiest baby on the block. She is still not walking, but very good at balancing. She crawls really fast and cruises along the table and couch. She hasn't met a food she doesn't like and is growing by the minute. I can't believe last year at this time, I was nine months pregnant with her. It has gone by so fast! I know everyone says that, but I really understand it. We can't wait to get her in the water-she is crazy about the bath tub and unfortunately-the toilet. If she is ever missing, she is in the bathroom splashing in the toilet. Gross! I heard Stella yesterday saying "Sophia Kate! That is disgusting!" Sure enough-the toilet. Good thing we got into the neighborhood pool this season!
1 comment:
I cannot believe how big Sophie is - and adorable!
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