We played outside a lot this weekend-you can tell from Stella's appearance, right? She was watching the ants in the driveway.

Learning to play hopscotch
Mulching with mom
Sophia liked riding in the car!
Neighborhood Easter egg hunt
Walking home from the hunt
Hunting for some eggs-it was so cold!

Arriving at Stella's "best friend Caroline's" house for her 3rd birthday party
The birthday girl enjoying a story
Stella jumped right in to listen to Mrs. Marie
Marie's sister, Michelle, made this AMAZING cake
So cute!
Can you tell I loved the cake? Surrounding the cake were these adorable baskets for the egg hunt.
Getting ready or the indoor hunt-the weather was uncooperative, but they did such a great job!
Hunting in Caroline's play room
SWAG table
Caroline feeding the bunnies
Stella was so gentle, but I kept reminding her to stop waving the carrot and hold it still. The bunnies were surely traumatized after this day, but the kids loved them!
Oh.....my.....gosh-I know I am biased, but I have the cutest kid in the whole world.
I meant cutest kids in the whole world

Caroline enjoyed her special cake
Stella's Easter bonnet from Caroline
Mommy had to try out the bonnet
Caroline's Aunt Michelle made these beautiful keepsake eggs-there is a little chick in inside and HANDMADE eggs and flowers with a sign that says "Caroline's Easter Party"
Stella was very impressed, but immediately tried to pull the chick out. We'll have to put this egg on a high shelf.
Her "special present"
Thank you, Caroline(and family), for giving us such a memorable day! We love you!