Carrie and the boys came for a visit. It was their first time meeting Sophia and we loved having them around. We went to the Georgia Aquarium while they were here and Carrie took some great pics! They left this morning-we already miss you guys!

Georgia Aquarium

Stella and the Sea Turtle

Stella was o.k. as long as the penguin kept his distance

In the Kroger parking lot, in a dressing room at Ann Taylor, on the Stone Mountain observation deck, at the Georgia Aquarium....thank goodness for the Hooter Hider. What a fabulous invention!

Grant, Hunter, and Stella

Sophia at the pool

Baby Sophia (courtesy of Carrie's great camera)

What a cutie

Aunt Carrie and Sophia

The boys and the coolest exhibit at the aquarium-the jellyfish

She's not wearing lipstick-it's popsicle

Carrie and her boys

Little buddha is so tired....

and Stella helped her out
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