"Monkey Face"-she makes this face when you say something upsetting. ie: "It's nap time" "No, you can't have your tenth slice of cheese today." "Let's try plain milk instead of chocolate." "I don't want to watch Blue's Clues again." "Not right now, Stella." "Do you want to use the big girl potty?" You get the point...we see it a lot. I had to capture it on film so I can use it against her someday.
Well, I have to say it is getting better. We are finally getting 4 hour stretches of sleep at night now. The problem is that the stretches start at midnight and mommy and daddy are really tired by this point. She loves to be awake and fussy from 8-12. Sleeps from 12-4 and wakes for a feeding, wakes again at 6:30-7, and eats every 2-3 hours during the day. This is crazy! I don't remember this with Stella, but I have tried to block out a lot of Stella's early baby days. She was colicky...I just shuddered thinking about it. I remember calling Josh one day and asking him to come home. When he arrived home-literally 15 minutes later(it was about a 20-25 minute drive), I greeted him at the door holding Stella out to him and said "I want to go back to work." Sophia is a different type of baby. She is a lover. She wants to be held 24 hours a day and is perfectly content if you do this for her. If not, then it is the end of the world. Stella cried no matter if you held her, put her in the swing, the bouncer, the bed, hired a band to perform, brought in a circus to entertain, etc. But as far as Sophia is concerned, thank the Lord Jesus for Baby Bjorn. I can only hope that she outgrows this phase because paired with her insatiable appetite/weight gain, I could develop some serious back issues. (I am imagining myself carrying a 40 pound 4 month old in a Baby Bjorn) Anyway, we are on the road to sleeping through the night. I just know it. It has to happen soon. When you are picking up your dry cleaning and the guy starts giving baby advice, you know there is an issue. "What is wrong? You look tired. You breastfeed? How old is baby? You need to top her off. Give her formula at night. Next time I see you, you look better." I thought I was having a pretty good day yesterday until I got that little tidbit of advice.
Stella is getting cuter and cuter every day. She did try to suffocate her sister this morning, but she is still cute. She is obsessed with Sophia. She wants to kiss her, feed her, hug her, read to her, sing to her, bathe her, change her diapers... She says she "Babysophia(it's one word) is my best friend." This morning, I heard Sophia screaming. I ran into the bedroom where I had left her and found Stella "keeping her warm" with her blanket. She was completely covered from head to toe and Stella was taking special care to make sure her head was "warm." I tried to explain to her that when Babysophia is crying, she is not enjoying herself. Stella asked forgiveness by hugging her until she screamed again. Her latest thing is talking gibberish-especially when she is in trouble. It's hard to keep a straight face because when you are scolding her, she starts talking like Steve Carrell in Anchor Man. She also loves to make up different words to songs. It's funny because Josh and I do this all the time. I think she has a future in showbiz. We'll see about that after she gets her Ph.D. from Harvard.