Wow, we've been busy around here! Last week was our first week home with our newest addition and it was a rough one. Stella was starved for attention, Josh and I were starved for sleep, and Sophia just acted like she was starving all the time! My parents left on Monday, Nikki came for a night on Wednesday (why didn't I take any pics? Nikki-send pics to me so I can post them) and the Newmans arrived on Saturday.
Stella went to school a couple of days last week except for Thursday. She had a little mishap that we are still confused about. She wanted to come in and see me before Josh took her to school and she found me in bed with Sophia. This is probably not what she wanted to see. She immediately wanted to get up in bed with us and Josh had planned on a quick "goodbye." A category 5 tantrum ensued and Josh took her by the hand to get her out of the room. She pulled the other way and Josh said he heard a pop. She cried and cried and kept complaining about her "ankle" and pointing to her wrist. She woudln't let Josh touch her and only wanted me. Nikki and I decided to keep her at home with us and see what happened. Josh felt awful and called three times to check on her. Nikki and I waited on her hand and foot for four hours and let her watch several episodes of Blue's Clues. I finally got concerned enough to call the pediatrician and Josh took her in. He said she complained about it until they got in to the doctor's office and then started using her arm and totally changed her attitude! She ran into the kitchen when they returned and couldn't wait to show me her lollipop! Either this kid deserved an Academy Award or she was really hurt...no one really knows.
Later in the day, I asked her if she was sad. "No, momma-I not sad."
"Are you happy?" I asked.
"No, I not happy."
"Then what are you?"
"I two."
Yes, my dear. You certainly are.
Sophia couldn't be an easier baby so far. She is eating and sleeping regularly and sometimes we forget she is around. She has gained half a pound in a week-she eats constantly. They must have made a mistake at the hospital or my milk has magical powers. They measured her at 18 3/4 inches and she was 20 1/4 at the first pediatrician visit one week later. She is a precious little thing and looks more like Stella every day. I'll post more pictures as soon as I can. I plan on taking some newborn photos in a few days. Enjoy!
Congratulations! We're so excited for you all!
Love the update. Wish I was there. Can't wait to see more pics!
Anonoymous was me. I couldn't get it to work right.
What a darling! You look good, too Mama! Even though you're sleep deprived - what a blessing to have two precious, healthy girls!
What a beautiful blessing. Both of your girls are precious! :)
We're so happy for you guys! I love your commentary on your family. Miss you!
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