1. She loves kissing Maybel. She has to grab her by both sides of the head and plant one right on her mouth. She even makes the smacking sound. Maybel hates this and tries to get away from her.
2. When I hear her yelling "Sit Down!" (oddly sounding like a German drill sergeant-"Seet Down!") I know that she is standing on something she is not supposed to. ie: the dining table, her high chair, the coffee table, the desk chair, etc. The other day we went to lunch with a friend and she stood up in her high chair and yelled "Sit Down!" at the top of her lungs.
3. She is a copy cat. If I am painting my nails, she brushes her crayon on her nails. She sits in the computer chair and "types" on the keyboard. She points and says "No, no" to Maybel when Maybel is being hyper. She talks on her cell phone. She pats her baby doll to sleep and covers her with a blanket and says "Awwww baby" in a sweet little voice.
4. She counts to 10 (leaving out a number or two) and claps and says "Yeah!" after 10.
5. She is trying to learn to jump and looks hilarious because she bounces up and down repeatedly and it looks like her feet are stuck in cement. I laugh until I cry at this one-I am so sad that we can't find our video camera in our millions of boxes. I hope she doesn't learn how to actually do it before we find it. The face she makes is priceless-pure concentration.
6. We went to the Children's Museum the other day and she was terrified of the circus clown performance. That's not really funny, but I totally get it.
7. She has a ball machine and every time she pushes the button to start it, she squeals and waves her hands around like it's the first time she has ever seen it.
8. She says "I sorry!" every time she gets hurt. I think it is because I have always said that when she gets hurt-"I'm sorry, Stella."
9. Her interpretation of the word "frog" sounds a lot like another "f" word. It is funny at home, but terribly embarrassing if we see one in public. I try to cover her eyes or change directions so she won't yell it out.
10. She says SO many words, but refuses "ears" and "hair". She says "cheeks, eyes, nose, mouth, knees, feet, fingers, toes, legs, belly button..." but when you point to ears or hair, she says silly nonsense words.
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