Friday, November 16, 2012

Sophia Funnies

She calls gymnastics "bee-na-chicks"

She hears me using the talk to text function on my cellphone all the time, so when she "talks" on her play phone, she punctuates.  ie: "Hi Mom period I was wondering if you got my message question mark We are going to visit soon period."

She is obsessed with body parts. Boys have "peenies" and girls have "buh-jeye-nuhs."  

She loves Disney princess dolls and you can rarely find her without one in each hand.  

She says "actually" a lot.  But she can't say "y's", so it is "actua-yee."  She also says everything is "adorable" and "amazing."  That's probably my fault.  At least she isn't cursing anymore.  These words are much better than some of her colorful words of the past.  

A Day in the Park

We recently celebrated our special baby Quinn's birthday at Piedmont Park.  It was a lovely fall day!

Stella turns SIX!

 Stella asked for a fish for her birthday.  OK, she actually asked for a puppy, but we talked her into a fish.  A Betta (or Japanese Fighting Fish as she tells everyone) named Ally.  Ally is a male, but he is pink, so Stella decided that he would be a girl.  She was so excited.  She said "THIS IS FINTASTIC!  Get it?  FIN-TASTIC?"  I've said it before-she gets her corny from her mama.  

 Homework on her birthday?!?!
 Don't judge the birthday cookie-she chose them!  And we had a bazillion cupcakes at her birthday party two days later.
 Baking birthday party!
I know everyone says this, but I truly cannot believe that my baby Stella is 6.  Time has gone by too fast.  I look at her sometimes and she looks like a teenager.  She is so funny, dramatic, smart, and just a lovely little person in general.  Even when she gets mad at me, I can see the humor in it.  For those of you with older children, I know this will not always be the case.  
But recently, she was sick and I was giving her cold medicine that she hated. She coughed herself to sleep and the next morning, she was hoarse when she woke up.  The first thing out of her mouth was to yell at me- "Nice going, Mom!  You gave me that medicine and now I can't hit my high notes!!!!" 

 Getting ready to make cookies

 The aforementioned "Boulder Ball"-which is better than hiring a clown for a birthday party

 Cupcake decorating station

First Day of Kindergarten!

My first born started Kindergarten!  And since she has been going to school with me since she was 21 months old, it was quite an adjustment. For me.  I spent the first two weeks of school glancing at her carseat and panicking thinking that I had left her somewhere.  In fact, I had left her.  At her NEW school.  She loves it.  She jumps in the car every day with a huge smile on her face.  We had a few issues with some jerky kids making fun of her for singing(at inappropriate times, I later found out from the teacher), but whatever.  She's over it.  And I still believe she can tell all of those jackals to laugh when she brings home a Grammy.  That's right.  I said it.  

With kindergarten comes fundraisers.  Stella came home one day in saying that she had a Boosterthon meeting at school and all she had to do was get "prayers" and she would win prizes.  Since she goes to public school, I was baffled.  "Prayers?"  I asked.  "Hmm....maybe not prayers.  Blessings!  Yeah...blessings is what I need."  After talking to another parent, I learned that she meant "pledges."  Easy mistake.  Anyway, since she told me that she had a deep distaste for P.E. because of "all the running," I have to say that I didn't have much faith in her ability to complete the task of running 35 laps for this fundraiser.  I have seen the girl "play" soccer, after all.  She totally proved me wrong!  She did it and we couldn't have been more proud!  She won a Boulder Ball for her efforts-an enormous, blow up ball that she climbs into and rolls down the hill in our back yard.  

Amicalola Falls Trip 2012