Dress up with BFF "S"
Sophia doing her happy dance-this girl loooooves dress up!
Enzo the Clown
Jamie Lee Curtis (she went nuts for a balloon and after waiting in line forever and losing said balloon about 45 times, I was really excited that the balloon string was directly in front of her face for the picture) I should explain-we went for a book signing of her precious new book called My Mommy Hung the Moon. She was fabulous. We even saw her before the book signing just walking around in town with a guy-having lunch and hanging out. Don't see that a lot around these parts! The next day, we saw an Activia commercial and I asked Stella if she remembered the lady from the library. She said "When are we gonna see Enzo again?" She really made an impact, I guess. She hasn't seen "Halloween" yet, though.
On the way home from school on the first day
Same-she NEVER falls asleep!
First day of school for all of us!
Don't they look excited?
Someone can reach the countertop now
And I think she regretted it
New kitchen
Stella's "new" computer-I realized on her first day of school when she had no idea how to use a computer (since we threatened her within an inch of her life of touching ours), that we needed to have one for her. This came from the basement-we'll see how long it lasts.
First day of ballet-she was so excited! Jennifer told me that she was fine through the first part and cried for the last half. I asked her why she was so upset and she said "I just wanted to dance." I had a "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" flashback. I told her that all of the little steps would turn in to a dance. I can't blame her. I felt the same way about piano lessons. I wanted to play Beethoven on my first day. Maybe next week will be better.
Sophia's princess shoes-yes, they are heels.
Stella and her horse
Josh thinks she looks like Will Ferrell's sidekick in "Talledega Nights." He wishes he was this cute.
Sophia likes the train table
As you can see, we have been up to a lot of "firsts" lately! They are both so funny and I wish I could write down everything that they say that cracks me up. I would probably be the only person interested in the play by play, but it would be great to have the time to do it.
Some of the highlights:
Stella: Where does God live?
Me: In the sky-it's called Heaven. He's really all around us.
Stella: Like the wind?
Me: Yeah, like the wind.
Stella: Does He blow on me when I am hot?
Me: Yes, probably.
Stella: Well, that's really nice of Him.
Me: You can wear your butterfly shirt, brown pants, and hot pink socks tomorrow. (laying them on the end of her bed)
Stella: Hmmm....let me feel them. (picking up the socks) They don't feel very hot.
She is also loving to sing gibberish and tell me the she is singing in Spanish. They have a Spanish teacher that comes once a week and she is so excited to share her new vocabulary!
Sophia is starting to try to say more words. She says a few "words" all the time that no one has a clue what she is saying. One of her favorites sounds like "hair bow," but she says it for so many things. She still barks at everything as well. She is so silly and has so many expressions. We walk down the halls at school and there are teachers that I don't even know saying "Hi, Miss Sophia!" She's a little celebrity!
We are anxiously awaiting the fall grandparent visits in October and early November. Stella says "I sure wish I could see Mimi/Papa/Grandma Polly/Papa John at least once a week." Or if I mention cousins, she says "Can they come over tomorrow?" Don't I wish! Love you all and can't wait for Christmas!