Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'm a Great Runnist

Josh has always had his own language over the it has passed on to his offspring. For instance, when I make a great meal, he will say "Amy, you are such a great cookist." When complimented on his driving skills, he might say "Of course, because I am a great drive-ist." The other day, Stella was running through the house and shouted "I am a great runnist!" We both cracked up.
Sophia's baptism was last Sunday and the whole congregation sang a song to her! I shed a tear. Of course, it doesn't take much to make me shed a tear.
Pastor Glen walked around the church and introduced her to everyone. This also made me shed a tear. Nikki and Whitney were in town for this event and just having them here made me shed a tear.
After church, hanging out on the couch. We forgot to get a proper pic at church. There was a lot going on!
We went to Monkey Joe's with our friend Caroline and her mom, Marie. It was so much fun!

The leaves they are a changin'...
So is Sophia
She's getting very big
So is her smile

"My, what big pumpkins you have." Bert's Pumpkin Farm has the biggest pumpkins I have ever seen in my life. I bet they have to put a fire pit in these things to get them to light up. Or maybe you don't carve mammoth pumpkins....I don't know.

Have I mentioned how difficult it is to get a good picture with both of them in it?

Pumpkin sandwich

I underestimated how much cooler it would be after driving an hour and a half north into the mountains. I wore a short sleeved shirt (genius, I know). Josh offered up his coat-what a gentleman!

Bert's Pumpkin Farm in Dawsonville, Georgia
This pumpkin was $99. We urged Stella to move on to the $10 pumpkins.

Never take a walk with Stella without a stroller. Inevitably, her short little legs will wear out (especially when she is running half of the time) and she will want to be carried home. We love to take walks around our neighborhood and lately, Stella does not want to be tied down to a stroller. So, I put Sophia in the stroller and let her walk. We must have taken a few detours from our normal route the other day because she kept wanting to take a rest...every 10 feet. I explained to her that the sun was going down and we needed to get home. I said "Do you want me to carry you on my back?" "Yes." This lasted about 5 minutes until she slid down to the ground and said "I'm too tired. My feet need to rest." I said "Do you want to get back on my back? We really need to get home." "No, mama. I want to ride on your stomach." (no fat jokes, please-she meant she wanted me to carry her in the front, not on my back. At least that's what I want to believe.) I ended up letting her stand on the back of the umbrella stroller and held her up all the way home. We have a VERY hilly neighborhood, just so you know. Never again my friends-I have learned my lesson.
"The sun is out too long." Does anyone know what this means? Is this in a children's book that I don't know about? It has been Stella's excuse for everything lately.
  • It is time to eat dinner, Stella. "I can't! The sun is out too long!"
  • Let's go inside now. "NO!! The sun is out too long!"
  • Put your coat and shoes on. "Mama, I can't because the sun is out too long."
I have to agree because sometimes I think the sun is out too long myself. I mean, sometimes the days seem to go on forever. Maybe she is on to something. Should we move to a place where the days are shorter? Perhaps that is what she is trying to tell us.

On one of the days where the sun was out too long, I decided to empty out all of Stella's toy baskets and organize them. I took pictures of the contents of each basket and plan on affixing the picture to each basket so Stella knows where her toys are located. I was so excited about this until I told Josh and his reply was "You need to go back to work." I guess turning our dining room into a preschool classroom wasn't what he had planned when we moved into this house.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My little angel?

Me: Stella, it's time to take a bath.

Stella: No, Mama. I can't.
Me: Why not?
Stella: Because my wings will get wet.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Stella's chompers
The elusive chompers
Got 'em!

Almost 6 mos!

Just playing around with the camera....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome Fall!

This picture happened after the blow up slide at the Briarlake Fall Festival. She is not upset because it scared her. She is upset that I came up to get her down. She did not want to slide. She only wanted to run back and forth at the top, bouncing off of the sides and laughing. She did this for a good 10 minutes before the guy said I could go up and get her to come down. She definitely knows how to get her 5o cents worth.

First cotton candy...she wasn't a fan.
Not her first pizza
Halloween shirt from Mimi-she loves it!
An attempt to get a picture of them together

Pushing up on all my mom said- "Get out the gates!"
Pensive moment

Ellie wanted her to blow bubbles-Stella thought the wand was a little too close for comfort
This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship
Andrew and Lisa-Lisa is amazed at Andrew's reading skills
Walk around the neighborhood
She's ready for the walk!
Ellie likes to be expressive with paint
I had to take a picture of what Stella does when I m working on a project. She decides to set up shop directly under my feet when I am doing something-this happened to be cleaning windows.
Another pensive moment
Playin' in the t.v. box
Happy girl at Sesame Street Live
Tired girl at Sesame Street Live

We enjoyed having the Benson family last week! Ellie is such a sweet girl and they really played well together. A couple of days before their visit, our basement flooded. That was a fun couple of days. Josh was out of town, so our good friend Marcie came to the rescue. She brought 10 jr. high/high school kids over and they helped clean it out in no time. My friend Marie kept the girls and that was a life saver. I am so grateful to everyone because I have a tendency to freak out and get into the fetal position when things like this happen.
Other than that, nothing much has been going on around here except growing up. Sophia is getting two teeth, getting up on all fours and rocking, scooting around on the floor....she is still the happiest baby on the block and we are really considering keeping her around. Josh doesn't want to put her in the nursery at church, so yesterday she entertained everyone. I can't tell you what the preacher talked about because I was too concerned with her crinkling the program, passing gas, cooing, and making faces at the little old ladies behind us who loved talking to her and didn't know how to whisper.
Stella is talking so much! I asked Josh yesterday if he remembered not being able to wait until she could talk. Now we wonder if she will ever stop! We took a walk around the neighborhood yesterday and I don't think she stopped to take a breath. Today we were on our way from school and Sophia was fussing (hungry) and Stella said "Mama-she's freakin' out." Kind of sounds weird coming out of a toddler's mouth. This afternoon, she started communicating with me through her monitor.
"Mama! Mama!"
"Yes, Stella?" I yell from the living room.
"I need you to get my balloon. It's by the door." She wanted to take a nap with her balloon today. This was about an hour after the "nap" was supposed to begin.
"You can get it, Stella. I am not coming up there again." This would be the third trip to the bedroom. The first was when she yelled that she had to poop. I ran upstairs and put her on the potty. "I need some privacy," she says. I went to our bedroom and began putting away some clothes. "I'm finished! I pooped in the potty!" "Great job! Do you need to tee tee?" "No, I am all finished!" Potty dance, potty dance, back to bed with panties. Minutes later-"Mama! I tee teed in my bed! I need you to come up here right now!" Second trip upstairs. Anyway, back to the balloon discussion.
"I can get my balloon?"
"Oh, okay."
"I can come downstairs and sit on the couch and watch Diego Go Go with you."
"Not yet. It's nap time."
"Oh, okay. Bye!"
"Bye. Talk to you later."
"Okay, mama."
Never thought the monitor would be used as our intercom system. It's pretty handy, actually.