Stella's first day of school was today. She woke up in a great mood and even decided to use the potty! We had a great morning and she was so excited...until we walked into the building. You should have seen the teacher's face when she saw that Stella was holding an old cell phone and Josh's duck call. She wouldn't let them go. The crying began and I had to leave. When I picked her up, she was so full of stories! I don't know how much of it I believe, but it was an interesting drive home. "I had a good day at school and I played with my friends and my teacher said 'you don't take the piano from Jill and you need to apologize' and Jill had an accident and I had an accident and I don't like school and I cried and I am going to eat a snack and a slice of cheese and look at the signs! I don't like to cry because I like to play with my friends...." Whew. Hope she wasn't the cause of Jill's "accident." We came home and had lunch and I said "Let's go try the potty" and her reply was "I already used the potty this morning." do I explain that this is going to be something that occurs several times a day?
We have a butterfly bush in front of our house and the butterflies are everywhere! Stella loves going out to look at them and this one really caught our eye.
First bath together-it ended shortly after the picture because I couldn't get Stella to stop splashing Sophia in the face. Maybe it will work when they are a little older and Sophia can get her back!
Went to a music class with Caoline-you can see Caroline dancing and Stella decided to play the bongos (in the background)
Fort with kitchen chairs and sheet
My friend Angelecia's little boy Jamal and Sophia-we worked together last year and she was Stella's teacher
Playing in the rain
Hiding from the rain