Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thank goodness for spring!

Stella loves to dress up in her tutus-as you can see she is wearing one as a top. Should we be concerned?
Princess dress-or gypsy costume

Just being cute

Playing in the water-who needs a sand and water table when you have this? It kept her busy for at least an hour every day last week as I finished painting her dresser in the garage.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Warm weather at last....but not for long

"Cheese" "Roar"
"You're still taking pictures?"

Washing the car with daddy
We enjoyed a beautiful weekend and have been playing outside every day this week. That ends tomorrow. Rain and cold weather again. feel like I am in Texas-sweaters one day and shorts the next! We are excited about the Thompsons coming to visit. It is always good to see a familiar face from home!
Only 5 weeks until the baby's arrival. Oh yeah-the baby has a name now. It is going to be Sophia Kate. We sound like we are Italian with names like Stella and Sophia, right? Oh well...
I can't wait to meet her and hope Stella won't be too jealous. She loves babies, but doesn't like it when I hold them for too long. We'll see how it goes and keep everyone posted. I am reading books to her about being a big sister, but she is more interested in the Shark book right now. We read that book at least twice a day. She has discovered "Blue's Clues" and asks to watch it every five minutes. When I break down and let her watch an episode (usually right before daddy gets home when she is under my feet as I try to prepare dinner), she literally has a break down when it is over. I keep trying to explain to her that we won't watch it if it is going to cause such heartache, but she doesn't get it. Girls are so dramatic! And we're going to have two of them!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More snow pics

Newman Casa-6:00 p.m. and still snowing, but ground cover is starting to melt
Back yard

Front yard

More front yard


This the only picture we had of Maybel that wasn't a blur-she loves it!

Making a snowball

It's been snowing here since 11:30 and it still hasn't stopped! (It's 2:30 now) The snowflakes are huge and it is breathtaking. Wish all of you were here to enjoy it with us!