Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dress up

Wearing her t-shirt from Aunt Carrie ("My Aunt Rocks") They loved this at school! Don't look at her bangs. It was a haircut (by me) that went wrong. Josh said she looks like Jeff Daniels on Dumb and Dumber when it is down. Thankfully, her hair is growing very fast and we will probably abandon bangs all together. She is too squirmy and I am too cheap to take her to a professional at this time.

This an outfit she chose to play in on Saturday. Cinderella skirt, Doodlebops dress (one of my students brought a bag of dress up clothes for her-I barely know what a "Doodlebop" is-we're a Sesame Street family), and Gap boots. She may not make a Best Dressed list, but I thought she pulled it off beautifully. I've never been good at layering, so I was really impressed.

About to do some damage with sidewalk chalk
And a blast from the past-this was January 08. Where has the time gone? Still the fashion maven here, as you can see.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Under construction

I just realized that the background that I downloaded has some glitches, so I will fix everything tomorrow. Sorry it looks like this!

Monday, January 12, 2009

What's in a name?

Apparently a lot. Naming this baby is proving to be a difficult task. The names have either been too popular (meaning that 5 of the names we liked appeared in the top 10 names of 2008 for social security records in Georgia), deleted from list after discovering their meaning (Did you know Mallory means "unfortunate" and Leah means "weary"?) , shot down by family members, or just don't have a ring to them. We need help, people. Please send your ideas as soon as possible. I am tired of referring to her as "what's her face" or "the new baby."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Family Pics

Whitney took some pictures of us on Christmas eve. Thanks, Whit!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Stella and her new car
She really got into opening presents!

Agghhhhh!!!! Presents!

I guess she gets it from PawPaw Johnny

Reading a book with Mimi

She loved her new instruments from the Turners

PawPaw being silly riding Taylor's new bike

Christmas feast

Can you tell they were both tired? Stella and Papa

Grandma, Granny, Stella, Taylor and Tori

Brace yourselves. I have a lot to write about today. We have been so busy since the last post and I have neglected to update, so here goes. We made a whirlwind trip to Texas to visit our families for Christmas. Stella was a champ in the car. We ended up making a two day trip out of it both ways, so it wasn't so bad. She was only evil for about an hour total on each travel day. I don't blame her. Being strapped in that car seat must be miserable after hours of driving. She ate her weight in cheerios, fruit snacks, apples, and candy. I don't think she ate a proper meal all week because we had been trying to keep her happy with road snacks. Anyway, we had a great time seeing the Newmans, the Turners, the Fullers, the Thompsons, the Donalsons, and the Brunettes. All in 4 days! We were very happy to get back home in time for the weekend and have our own Christmas morning here.
Stella's lessons for mom and dad:
  • I found a permanant marker on the coffee table and said "Thank goodness she didn't find this." From the other room, Josh said "Find what?" "A permanany mar....oh my gosh! Stella!!!" You guessed it-all over the couch cushion. It must have happened hours before because when I brought her in to show it to her and scold her for writing on the furniture, she just smiled as if to say "Didn't I do a great job decorating?" Lesson#1-Works of art can happen anywhere-no matter what the canvas may be.
  • When Josh and I argue or have a heated discussion or are even joking around play fighting, Stella starts singing. This may not be funny-she may end up in therapy for it, but I thought it was interesting. We were going Christmas shopping one day and had a little disagreement. We were sitting in silence for a few minutes when Stella said "Hey Mama." "Yes, Stella?" "Sing Frosty the Snowman." Reluctantly, I started singing and couldn't help but smile. Josh said "Have you noticed she does that when we argue?" Lesson #2-Get over it and move on. It's not worth ruining the whole day. Lesson #3-Singing always ways makes everything better. Why do you think musicals are so popular?
  • She has started become very bossy. She says "I need milk right here" and points to the table where she wants you to place the cup. "Mama, put my shoes on right here." Or she has even started calling us by our first name if we don't respond quickly enough to Mama or Daddy. So it might be "Josh, read a book right here in this chair." She repeats every imperative sentence twice. ie: "Read a book, Josh. Read a book." or "Listen to the song, mama. Listen to the song." Lesson #4-Don't give a 2 year old your first name. And your bossy-ness just might show it's ugly head in your children.
  • She has become so lovable it is irresistable. She wants to give hugs and kisses and snuggle with you on the couch. Lesson #5-Have patience-Sweetness comes in time. It also comes in spurts, so take advantage when the mood strikes.
  • She just recently gave up her pacifier. She was an unwilling participant, but it has been 6 days and we are still hanging in there. I tried all of the tricks everyone told me about. I asked her if she wanted to throw it away and she looked at me like I was an alien and said "No, mama." I asked her if she wanted to give it to a baby that needed it and again she said "No, mama. My paci." I told her that she was a big girl and she agreed. I said that big girls don't use pacis. I asked her if she was a big girl and she said "No, mama." The Brunette's (my brother's family) got her a book called No More Pacifiers and throughout the whole book it repeats "Who needs a pacifier? No, not me!" At the end, it says "Who needs a pacifier? Hooray, not you!" She would say "Yeah!" And I would say "Do you need a pacifier?" And she would excitedly yell "Yes!" Lesson #6-Pacifiers are like crack and should not be used past 6 months of age. It has been a horrible week of withdrawals.

  • She has started introducing herself, me and her baby sister in my belly to strangers in public. Her conversations are getting more detailed. She also says "" Wonder where she heard that? Lesson #7-She is listening to everything we say and can repeat word for word whatever we happen to discuss with or around her. Editing may be necessary in some cases.
  • This isn't a Stella lesson, but a Josh lesson. Don't let Josh use your playlist account because he might load Supertramp's "Breakfast in America" on your little girl's blog playlist by accident. I apologize to anyone who checked the blog in the past few days and heard it. It wasn't me.