Sunday, May 25, 2008
Hermann Park
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Doctor's visit
Height-34 inches (95th percentile)
Weight-25 pounds (25-50th percentile)
Doing very well-doctor confirmed that she is, in fact, a genius. I'm serious. I am sure Stella is the only one he has ever said that about. In actuality, she was mute throughout the visit and I am telling the doctor how verbal she is as she stares at him without uttering a sound. He tickles her, he checks her heartrate, shines lights in her eyes and ears...not a word. Then, we are leaving the office after shots and screams and a helicopter is flying overhead. She points her chubby little finger into the sky and yells "harpane!" (airplane, for those of you that don't speak toddler) OK, so it was a helicopter and not an airplane but honestly! It is in the same category and I don't even recall teaching her that word! I continue to be amazed on a daily basis with this kid.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Moving Day is Approaching

I never knew selling a house could be so complicated. The inspector came last Wednesday and we got the report on Saturday with the buyer list of demands. They weren't bad at all, so we were able to agree and send our answer back yesterday. Now it's done, right? No. Now they have to get an appraisal done. And probably a whole list of other things done so I guess it will be right up until the date of closing that we will be wondering if this is real! They want to close on the 6th now, so it looks like the movers will come and pack on Wednesday, move everything out on Thursday, and close on Friday. Josh said we might even leave on Friday. I am dreading the car ride. I hate being trapped in a car. Josh hates taking road trips with me because I am constantly asking "How much further?" Mimi Sandy will be in the car with me, so I will probably refrain from that on this trip. She and Popeye Mike are coming along to help with Stella on the drive and as we get settled in. 18 days to go!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008