I was reading my friend, Jennifer's blog and realized that she had tagged me to do this, so here it goes...
7 things you never knew about me...
1. I am afraid of the dark. I hope Stella doesn't pick up on this or take after me. It is paralyzing. When Josh is out of town, I have to sleep with the bathroom light on.
2. I just started eating something so sickeningly sweet(and probably will hate the minute this baby is born)-nutella and peanut butter on toast
3. I often catch myself humming songs from Baby Signing Time-and Stella hasn't even listened to it in months
4. I long for the days when Stella (and her baby sister) will sleep until noon on a Saturday...and when we can go out and leave them at home alone. When is that age, by the way?
5. In another life, I would love to be a chef...if I were a better cook. Or maybe I just love Top Chef.
6. I love doing laundry. It's the only house cleaning chore that I like to do.
7. I wanted to have twins when I was pregnant with Stella so I wouldn't have to get pregnant again....Nikki B. (Ellie's mom) consider yourself tagged!
Stella's going to have a sister! The assistant director of my school said we will have to think long and hard to come up with a name that has as much pizzazz as Stella. No ordinary name for this kid. I have to admit that I wanted to have a son for Josh, but I am thrilled that Stella will have a sister. I don't have a sister and always wanted one.
My mind is already flooded with thoughts of sibling rivalry...."Why does she always get new clothes?!!??" "Why can't I have curly/straight/long/short hair like hers?" "She can't wear my clothes because they don't fit her!" "I liked (insert boy's name here) first!"
On the flip side, there will be slumber parties, staying up late talking about how unfair their parents are, doing each other's make up and hair, dating, weddings, etc. They will surely confide in me about everything and always seek my advice, right?
I feel terrible that I didn't take any pictures, but it ended up being a very busy visit! We finally finished cleaning out the apartment, Mike helped with manual labor around the house, and Sandy helped with cooking and cleaning. It was wonderful to have them here. We had a great mini-Thanksgiving meal with them last night and invited the Fishers over. It was delicious and we had a really good time. Maybe Papa will send some of the pictures he took and I can post them. Have a safe trip home, Mimi and Papa!
Wish us luck and say a prayer for us. We are leaving on Wednesday to go home to visit my folks for Thanksgiving. Braving the Atlanta airport on a holiday is going to be trying without Josh's help, so pray that there are no tears. (from me or Stella!)