Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Activities

We love cheerios!Stella is "helping" mommy decorate the tree. Josh made me feel quilty about not putting one up, brought the boxes from the basement, and promptly abandoned me to go play his new Tiger Woods wii game. Stella decided I needed help, so she offered her services.

Putting the star on the tree
Stella's new table and chairs
She was starting to dislike the high chair, so Grandma Polly and Paw Paw Johnny bought her a table and chairs to eat her meals in the kitchen. The only trick is to keep her sitting throughout the meal. Haven't figured that one out yet...
Stella's school Christmas party-she was pointing out everyone to me and telling me their names and about their shirts (she's a fashion maven)
Stella's friend, Asia
Saying the prayer before eating-the blonde in the back right corner is her best friend, Tatum. Tatum's birthday is in October and her little sister will be born in April-just like Stella's!
Stella is such a bundle of energy. We are enjoying watching her grow and hearing all of the funny things that come out of her mouth. I wish I could write everything down as she is saying it, but there isn't anough time in the day. I need a court reporter to follow her around and record all of her funny little actions. I can't wait to see what her little sister will be like. She'll have to have a lot of personality to keep up with Stella!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tagged-7 Things you never knew about me

I was reading my friend, Jennifer's blog and realized that she had tagged me to do this, so here it goes...
7 things you never knew about me...
1. I am afraid of the dark. I hope Stella doesn't pick up on this or take after me. It is paralyzing. When Josh is out of town, I have to sleep with the bathroom light on.
2. I just started eating something so sickeningly sweet(and probably will hate the minute this baby is born)-nutella and peanut butter on toast
3. I often catch myself humming songs from Baby Signing Time-and Stella hasn't even listened to it in months
4. I long for the days when Stella (and her baby sister) will sleep until noon on a Saturday...and when we can go out and leave them at home alone. When is that age, by the way?
5. In another life, I would love to be a chef...if I were a better cook. Or maybe I just love Top Chef.
6. I love doing laundry. It's the only house cleaning chore that I like to do.
7. I wanted to have twins when I was pregnant with Stella so I wouldn't have to get pregnant again....Nikki B. (Ellie's mom) consider yourself tagged!

Our Attempt at a Christmas Photo

Not only is the photo off center, but she wasn't having it...and Josh looks dazed
A little better, but still off center and our heads are cut off

Not having it

Still not good
Eating grapes-Josh had just thrown the ziploc down after he snatched it from her hands

I am learning that doing anything with a two year old is impossible. Whoever said "You're the boss" was a moron. You cannot make a two year old take a good picture. You cannot make a two year old eat what you have prepared. You cannot make a two year old do anything a two year old isn't in the mood to do. As I type, she is running around the house squealing with joy. Less than 15 minutes ago, she was crying and having a meltdown. Who is this person? Who took over my sweet Stella's body? P.S. Does anyone want to fly out and take some pictures of us? The tripod isn't working. ;-)

Friday, December 5, 2008


Stella's going to have a sister! The assistant director of my school said we will have to think long and hard to come up with a name that has as much pizzazz as Stella. No ordinary name for this kid. I have to admit that I wanted to have a son for Josh, but I am thrilled that Stella will have a sister. I don't have a sister and always wanted one.
My mind is already flooded with thoughts of sibling rivalry...."Why does she always get new clothes?!!??" "Why can't I have curly/straight/long/short hair like hers?" "She can't wear my clothes because they don't fit her!" "I liked (insert boy's name here) first!"
On the flip side, there will be slumber parties, staying up late talking about how unfair their parents are, doing each other's make up and hair, dating, weddings, etc. They will surely confide in me about everything and always seek my advice, right?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving in Texas

Trystan, Briley & Jackson
Dylan, Mallory & Haley
Stella and Paw Paw Johnny
Kristie, Katelyn and Bradley
Jacob and Jeremie
Amy & Stella
Grandma Polly, Amy, Stella & Granny Beulah

Briley, Jackson, Wendie & Trystan
The bonfire (or "candle" as Stella the city girl called it)
Stella and Paw Paw (we are getting rid of the pacifier on Christmas break, I promise)
Singing turkeys take on a whole new meaning when a toddler is around

She loved this thing!
Dancing to the turkey tunes
Swingin' with Grandma Polly

We had such a great time in Buna for Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to see everyone and I do miss home and family time. Stella had a ball! She played with all of her cousins, saw horses, cows, chickens, rode on the annual hayride (she was napping last year), and spent some quality time with Grandma Polly (Gee-maw), Paw Paw Johnny, and Granny Beulah. She also picked up some bad habits that always come with cousins and family time-burping just so she can say "Excuse me", slapping herself in the face and laughing, whining because she has an "ouchie" and wanting you to kiss it, and being genuinely spoiled rotten! The only bad parts of the trip were the airport adventures. Wednesday, we were expecting long lines and a crowded airport, so we arrived 3 1/2 hours early for our flight. Check in and security took 45 minutes. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time eating, going to the bathroom, washing our hands, walking (and running) up and down the corridors....
Sunday, we arrived at the airport at 12:15 for our 2:50 flight. We were through check in and security at 12:26. No big deal. We played and did the usual killing time in the airport tricks until they delayed our flight until 4:10....then 4:45....I realized that there are a lot of things that I dislike about people. Things that I might normally find endearing if I didn't have a cranky two year old in tow.
1. The person sitting next to me talking on their cell phone to every person under the sun. Normally, I might enjoy eavesdropping on his conversations.
2. The spoiled college girls from U of Georgia complaining that: there were no tortillas in their bag from the restaurant, wondering if the car service would get word about the flight being late, their friend deciding to take Adderall to take the test to get into law school and she would get really skinny (totally unfair), and various other mundane annoying things (on an average day, I would think it was funny)
3. When your baby is trying to nap and everyone has their cell phone ringers on the loudest, most obnoxious ring tones (I usually crack a smile when I hear someone's ring tone is "It's Gettin Hot in Here" or "Ridin' Dirty")
4. Cutting in line in the bathroom when it's obvious I am waiting for the handicapped stall so I can fit a car seat, back pack, and child in the stall with me (o.k.-that's always annoying)
5. This came later, but it was still bothersome...why do people stand directly in front of you at baggage claim when there are spots available all over the place?!??!
Then we boarded the plane finally! I thought we were taking a while to taxi around when the dreaded intercom message came...."I regret to inform you that Atlanta's airport has been shut down. We are to wait for thirty minutes for an update and from my experience if we are given the go in thirty minutes, it will probably be another 15 on top of that before we are cleared for take-off. I apologize for the inconvenience. " I couldn't help it. The tears started to roll. I had to turn toward Stella so the poor guy next to me wouldn't see me. Then, Stella kept saying "What's wrong, Mama?" Don't get all misty eyed over her cuteness just yet. She was a holy terror on the flight. She went from crying (the holding her breath followed by the blood curdling scream cry), kicking the seat in front of her, giggling and banging her head on the seat, wanting out of her seat, yelling at the top of her lungs, singing at the top of her was craziness. Then, the pilot came on and said we were about to be in Atlanta. When the first bump came, I thought we were landing already. It was so jarring, I called out ( I am sure the guy next to me is thinking I am certifiable by this point). Then the plane jolted up again and there were three or four more big bumps. The plane was all over the place. It was the worst turbulence I have ever experienced. I prayed harder and made more promises to God than I can ever hope to keep but I will try my best. What made it worse was the commentary we were getting from the guy and girl sitting behind us(who had taken full advantage of two hours and getting to know each other-I even got to hear the "do you have a boyfriend?/Maybe we should exchange numbers/are you on facebook?" conversation). Anyway, we landed without a scratch and made it home safely. I have never been so happy to see Josh-and so was Stella!
Maybe next Thanksgiving, we will stay here.
P.S. We find out the sex of the baby on Friday. I have just started feeling movement here and there. Josh felt the the baby kick last night. Very exciting-we are half way there!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mimi and Papa's Visit

I feel terrible that I didn't take any pictures, but it ended up being a very busy visit! We finally finished cleaning out the apartment, Mike helped with manual labor around the house, and Sandy helped with cooking and cleaning. It was wonderful to have them here. We had a great mini-Thanksgiving meal with them last night and invited the Fishers over. It was delicious and we had a really good time. Maybe Papa will send some of the pictures he took and I can post them. Have a safe trip home, Mimi and Papa!
Wish us luck and say a prayer for us. We are leaving on Wednesday to go home to visit my folks for Thanksgiving. Braving the Atlanta airport on a holiday is going to be trying without Josh's help, so pray that there are no tears. (from me or Stella!)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Benson Visit

Stella and Ellie-Stella had to be bribed with M&M's to sit next to Ellie on the couch...still, no smile. I guess that's extra.
Miss Ellie Kate-what a happy girl!

We had such a great time seeing Chad and Nikki and getting to know Ellie! They were awesome and we worked them to the point that they will probably never want to visit again. Chad helped Josh with manly man labor and Nikki (and Lisa) helped me shop and decorate. I took the plunge and started getting things for the house to make it look like a home and it looks so great. I still have some organizing to do and we have a lot of furniture to buy, but it looks so much better already. Thank you so much for your help, guys! We promise to just relax the next time you are here. We already miss you!

Other pics from Grandparents Visit

Trying on PawPaw's boots
I love this face. This sums up Stella in an expression.

Driving the bus
Poor Granny (my grandma) had to sit out with her at the outlet mall in Atlanta while mom and I shopped for clothes for Stella. There was one strategically placed outside of every children's store and it was $1.50 per ride! In my day, it was surely no more than a quarter.

Andrew's Graduation

My nephew Andrew graduated from Marine boot camp on November 7, 2008 in Parris Island, South Carolina. We are so proud! He is all grown up. He went from being an awkward teenager to a man. Congratulations, Andy!
Proud grandparents

Grandma Polly, PawPaw Johnny and Stella

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Stella! Our Special 2 Year Old!!!!

Stella's reaction to the birthday video from Aunt Carrie, Hunter & Grant
She loved it and kept saying "Again!" We listened to it at least ten times. What a great idea!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Big Emotion in Your 2 Year Old

The cake
Grandma Polly comforting the birthday girl

How dare you buy me presents!!!

That's the title of my latest article from I needed that article because I was beginning to wonder if I had the most emotionally unstable toddler on the planet. She is happy one minute dancing, singing, laughing....then in a split second, she can turn into a weeping, emotional little thing burying her head in our chests. If we compiled a video of the day on Saturday (her birthday), you might think she was bipolar. She was entertaining everyone with her dance moves and having the best time until we introduced the room full of presents. The video rolled as she looked at all of the bags and around the room at all of the watchful eyes. Her lip began to quiver and I knew it was all over. Nap time. After nap, we decided to try out the cake and "Happy Birthday" singing. She was all smiles until the candles came out. The lip quiver came again and wouldn't have anything to do with the CHOCOLATE cake with CHOCOLATE buttercream icing. She finally tried it the next day and loved it. Children....what a mystery.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hanging out with Owen in their new Halloween pajamas (Thank you, Mandy & Jason!)
Jason, Mandy and Dread Pirate Owen
Stella loved swinging and stacking numerous toys on Owen

Mandy and her precious pirate

Stella and Owen really hit it off

Ballerina Stella

Pickin' out a pumpkin
Swinging at the park

Sorry for the lack of updates. We have been so busy around here! We have moved into our new house (pictures will come as soon as it doesn't look like a tornado went through), celebrated Halloween, and had the Black family in for a visit. As you can see, taking pictures has become increasingly difficult with Stella. I can take 25 pictures and only get one or two that are not the back of her head. There was a professional photographer at her school for school pictures and another for Halloween and she refused to pose for both. I was heartbroken because on both days she looked adorable, but she would not set foot in the room with the photographer. She also refused to wear her costume to trick or treat, but wore it all day at school. Two year olds can be tough to convince to do anything.
We had the Black family come to visit this weekend. We had such a great time with them and getting to know Owen. He is adorable! Stella showed her tender side with Owen ("Coen") and we were really proud of how sweet she was with him. We hope she will be that way with her little brother or sister.